SSH via HTTP proxy in OSX

Apr 20, 2011
tags: netcat, osx, ssh

If you happen to be stuck behind a corporate firewall with only HTTP proxies for external access, you might still be able to SSH out through them using the built-in nc on OSX.

First, hope that the proxies haven’t disabled the CONNECT method, then simply add a section to your .ssh/config like this:

    ProxyCommand          nc -X connect -x proxyhost:proxyport %h %p
    ServerAliveInterval   10

This will tunnel the connection through the HTTP proxy to the remote server. The ServerAliveInterval setting is required as most proxies will drop the connection after a period of inactivity.

To avoid issues with trying to connect to the host when not behind the corporate firewall, replace the above with a fake entry for the proxy method like this:

    ProxyCommand          nc -X connect -x proxyhost:proxyport %h %p
    ServerAliveInterval   10

Then use

$ ssh

when inside the firewall, and

$ ssh

when outside.

Simples, no external software required.

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