SmartOS and the global zone

Nov 23, 2012
tags: smartos

One of the most common issues new users of SmartOS face is understanding the role and design of the global zone. Often they will download SmartOS and try to start using it as they would any other Unix operating system, but quickly run into basic problems such as installing packages or adding users. However, SmartOS is not your usual operating system, and it is imperative that you understand two key principles:

  • SmartOS is specifically designed as an OS for running Virtual Machines, not as a general purpose OS.

  • The global zone is effectively a read-only hypervisor, and should only be used for creating and managing Virtual Machines. Everything else should be performed inside Virtual Machines.

I should be clear at this point that I am specifically addressing the issue of downloading and running your own SmartOS installation. If you provision a SmartMachine from Joyent, then you are running inside a Virtual Machine, and this post does not apply - you are free to start serving up awesome applications!

Let’s look at a few aspects of the global zone which make it a great fit for its intended purpose, and help explain why it doesn’t work as you might expect.

The global zone is a ramdisk

This is the key reason why things don’t work as you might expect. SmartOS does not install to disk like other operating systems, instead it boots directly from USB/CD/PXE into a mostly read-only environment.

Why is it done this way? There are a number of good reasons:

  • Upgrades are trivial. No more patching, just reboot into a new image!
  • Increased disk space. No wasted space on disk to hold the OS, all the space is dedicated to VMs and user data.
  • Increased disk performance. It’s common with other systems to have your OS installed to a pair of mirrored disks and then pool the remaining disks for data. With SmartOS you can have all your disks in the same RAIDZ pool, increasing performance.
  • Additional security. Most of the system files are read-only, and /etc is re-created on each boot, making it much harder to exploit.
  • Increased stability. Ever had your root disks start to fail and system commands no longer run? This doesn’t happen on SmartOS.
  • Much simpler to install and provision, especially when you have a large number of machines.

So, what does this look like, and what are the implications?

# zonename
# df -h / /usr
Filesystem             size   used  avail capacity  Mounted on
/devices/ramdisk:a     264M   219M    45M    83%    /
                       376M   354M    22M    95%    /usr
# lofiadm
Block Device             File                           Options
/dev/lofi/1              /usr.lgz                       Compressed(gzip)

The root file system is a ramdisk, and /usr is a read-only loopback mount of a single compressed file held on the ramdisk.

Apart from a few specific files and directories listed below, this means that you cannot change the global zone. To emphasise this point further:

  • You cannot add users.
  • You cannot write anywhere under /usr.
  • You cannot permanently store or change files under /etc, /root, ..
  • Changes to SMF services will be reset each reboot.

There are plenty of other things you cannot do, but hopefully this gives you some idea of the restricted nature of the global zone environment.

If you are looking for a general purpose OS to serve as a NAS etc, then you can do worse than give OmniOS a spin - it has most of the same features as SmartOS, but in a normal install-to-disk configuration.

Having said all that, let’s look at some ways you can manage the global zone, if you have settled on running SmartOS.

So what can I do?

Firstly, let’s look at the key writeable areas:

Filesystem             size   used  avail capacity  Mounted on
zones                  2.0T   143M   1.8T     1%    /zones
zones/var              2.0T   4.0G   1.8T     1%    /var
zones/opt              2.0T    55K   1.8T     1%    /opt
zones/usbkey           2.0T   154K   1.8T     1%    /usbkey
/usbkey/shadow         1.8T   154K   1.8T     1%    /etc/shadow
/usbkey/ssh            1.8T   154K   1.8T     1%    /etc/ssh

zones is the big zpool which is spread across all your disks, and SmartOS will create a number of file systems on it for use in the global zone:


This is where your Virtual Machines are stored, the datasets used to create them, and some other key files related to zones. Don’t mess around in here unless you know what you are doing.


We all like logs, so those are retained in /var as normal, as well as various state files such as the current list of imgadm datasets and the SSH host keys.


/opt is your main hook into more advanced setup of the global zone. SmartOS will import any SMF manifests it finds in /opt/custom/smf, which allows you to implement rc.local functionality as demonstrated in this gist.

As /opt is writeable you can also install packages as per this wiki page, however you need to bear in mind that, as explained earlier, things such as adding users are not possible, so you may see various errors.


When you first boot SmartOS and go through the rudimentary installer the details you provide are stored in /usbkey/config, which is used during boot to configure the machine. If you need to change any of those variables, this is the file you should edit.

There are also some variables which aren’t set up by default, so if you want to

  • Install an authorized_keys file for the root user.
  • Set a keyboard map.

then have a read of this post I wrote a while ago to find out how to configure those.

/etc/shadow and /etc/ssh

In order to support some very basic configuration, a few /etc files are their own mount points onto /usbkey so that changes to them are saved.

  • /etc/shadow so that you can change the root password.
  • /etc/ssh is initially where the SSH host keys were stored, however they are now stored under /var/ssh so don’t be surprised if this mount point disappears at some point.


While we’re on the subject, let’s complete this post with a look at how the global zone is implemented, for interested readers.


There is a good wiki guide which describes how to mount the USB key. Once you have done that you can take a look at the GRUB configuration:

: Assumes your current working directory is the USB key mountpoint.
# less boot/grub/menu.lst
title Live 64-bit (text)
   kernel /platform/i86pc/kernel/amd64/unix -B console=text,root_shadow='<crypt>',smartos=true
   module /platform/i86pc/amd64/boot_archive

title Live 64-bit (noinstall)
   kernel /platform/i86pc/kernel/amd64/unix -B console=text,root_shadow='<crypt>',standalone=true,noimport=true
   module /platform/i86pc/amd64/boot_archive

There are a few boot configuration variables which alter how the system is started, and you can see how they are used by grepping for them in the SMF init scripts under /lib/svc.

root_shadow=’crypt string’

This configures the default root password prior to /etc/shadow being mounted, and changes for each release. If you need to know what it is, then browse the download site and look at the SINGLE_USER_ROOT_PASSWORD.release.txt which correlates with your uname -v output, or if you wish you could generate your own password and paste the new crypted string in here.

Alternatively as a convenience you can find the default root password inside the platform directory:

# cat platform/root.password


This variable defines whether to perform the normal SmartOS global zone initialisation, such as mounting /usbkey and configuring the system from the /usbkey/config file (see /lib/svc/method/fs-joyent and /lib/svc/method/smartdc-config.

If left unset (like in the ‘Live 64-bit (noinstall)’ boot option), these will not be performed. standalone=true should be set in those cases to avoid trying to be a Joyent compute node.


Setting this will skip any configuration and mounting of zpools, and is useful for if you have issues during the first installation and need to check disks, etc.

It’s likely that you do not need to change any of these variables, and if you hit problems simply use the noinstall boot option and figure things out from there.

Platform image

The only other files on the USB key are:

# find platform -type f

These are mostly self-explanatory:

  • unix is the SmartOS kernel.
  • boot_archive is the ramdisk image containing the entire OS.
  • boot_archive.gitstatus contains the tip revisions of the github repositories used to build that particular image.
  • boot_archive.manifest contains MD5 checksums of the OS files.


Given we have just explained about the platform directory, it is also worth pointing out that you do not have to reflash your USB key every time, which is great if your server is inaccessible. Instead, assuming your USB key is big enough, you can simply download the newest platform-latest.tgz file, move the existing platform directory out of the way, and unpack platform-latest.tgz there instead. Doing this as an atomic operation is preferred, for example:

: As of writing this is 20121115T191935Z
# gtar zxf ~/platform-latest.tgz
# mv platform platform-$(uname -v) && mv platform-20121115T191935Z platform

This avoids having no platform directory, just in case you have a power cut at that exact point in time!


If you want to set up a file server or similar, then SmartOS is probably not for you. However, if you are interested in running Virtual Machines and are able to do all of your work inside them, then SmartOS is perfect for that purpose, and has a number of advantages over other operating systems.

Hopefully this has been useful, even if it is to deter you from using SmartOS!

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