Installing SVR4 packages on SmartOS

Mar 19, 2013
tags: pkgsrc, smartos, svr4

Up until and including Solaris 10 the default packaging tools on Solaris were the historical SVR4 pkg* commands. First written in the early 1980s they were standard across commercial Unix systems and provided a simplistic interface to installing and removing binary packages.

With the introduction of IPS in OpenSolaris and beyond they have been mostly consigned to history, however there is still software provided for Solaris which is only available in the .pkg format, and thus it is useful to still be able to handle them.

Whilst the pkg* tools continue to be maintained in illumos and are provided by various distributions, they are not all provided in SmartOS. There are a few reasons for this:

  • SmartOS has a different design to other illumos distributions, and some key differences such as a read-only /usr mean that some packages will simply break in unexpected ways.

  • SmartOS is designed to be a slimmed-down distribution providing only that which is necessary for the majority of our users and use cases. Including the SVR4 tools and metadata would bloat the system.

  • SVR4 packages are often available only for older versions of Solaris, and whilst the excellent ABI compatability in Solaris means that the binaries themselves will often function correctly, the package may not support newer features such as SMF, or again make assumptions about the system which could result in irrevocable damage.

  • SmartOS uses pkgsrc to manage third-party software, and we believe it is better to convert SVR4 packages to pkgsrc format so that all packages on the system can be managed with a single toolset.

However, we do continue to ship the pkgtrans utility with SmartOS, and this is our gateway into converting SVR4 packages into more useful formats. The rest of this post will explore how we can do that.

Unpacking SVR4 packages

Let’s start with an example SVR4 package and unpack it to see what it contains. I’m going to use Riak, a popular open source database as the example package.

: Download the Solaris 10 SVR4 package from
$ curl -Os

: Decompress it
$ gzip -d BASHOriak-1.3.0-1-Solaris10-i386.pkg.gz

: Use pkgtrans to unpack it into /var/tmp/BASHOriak
$ pkgtrans BASHOriak-1.3.0-1-Solaris10-i386.pkg /var/tmp all

SVR4 packages can contain multiple sub-packages, and so the ‘all’ is necessary to unpack everything in the archive. If we didn’t specify ‘all’, we would have seen:

$ pkgtrans BASHOriak-1.3.0-1-Solaris10-i386.pkg /var/tmp

The following packages are available:
  1  BASHOriak     riak
                   (i386) 1.3.0-1

Select package(s) you wish to process (or 'all' to process
all packages). (default: all) [?,??,q]:

So whilst we could have specified ‘riak’, we can always use ‘all’ to avoid having to first look at the package to see what sub-packages it contains.

We now have an unpacked package, let’s go through what it contains.

install sub-directory

The install/ directory contains some files and scripts:

$ ls -l install/
total 29
-rw-------   1 admin    deniedssh   10175 Feb 19 15:17 copyright
-rw-------   1 admin    deniedssh     214 Feb 19 15:17 depend
-rwx------   1 admin    deniedssh     438 Feb 19 15:17 i.preserve
-rwx------   1 admin    deniedssh     339 Feb 19 15:17 preinstall
-rwx------   1 admin    deniedssh     469 Feb 19 15:17 r.preserve
  • copyright is self-explanatory, and is normally displayed when using the pkgadd command to let the admin know what they are agreeing to.

  • depend is a list of other SVR4 packages that this one depends upon. In this case they are:

$ cat install/depend
# Same dependencies as Erlang
P SUNWlibmsr    Math & Microtasking Libraries (Root)
P SUNWlibms     Math & Microtasking Libraries (Usr)
P SUNWopensslr  OpenSSL (Root)
P SUNWopenssl-libraries OpenSSL Libraries (Usr)

As this package is originally from Solaris 10 there is a chance that dependencies could cause issues. For example, in SmartOS we have updated OpenSSL to 1.0.x. Additionally, if a third-party dependency was required (i.e. one not beginning with SUNW) then naturally you would need to recursively apply this entire procedure to each dependency.

  • i.preserve and r.preserve are scripts executed during install (i.) and removal (r.). The ones for Riak simply try to retain modified files from an existing install, so we will ignore these as pkgsrc handles that by default.

  • preinstall is, as the name suggests, a script which is executed prior to installing the package. In Riak’s case it is used to create the ‘riak’ user and group if they do not already exist.


This provides some basic metadata about the package. The main bits we care about are:

  • ARCH=i386. As long as the package only depends upon libraries provided by the base OS (SUNW*) then it shouldn’t matter whether ARCH is 32-bit or 64-bit. However, if it requires third-party dependencies then you need to ensure that the correct ABI is provided.

  • BASEDIR=/opt. This is where the package would be installed by the pkgadd tool.

  • DESC=.... This would be output by the legacy pkginfo command, and we will re-use this text for our pkg_info description.

  • VERSION=1.3.0-1. Self-explanatory.


This is somewhat equivalent to the pkgsrc PLIST file and is a record of all the files the package provides, however it also includes file permissions and a basic checksum:

$ less pkgmap
: 1 112659
1 i copyright 10175 24223 1361287043
1 i depend 214 18268 1361287043
1 d none riak 0700 riak riak
1 d none riak/bin 0700 riak riak
1 f none riak/bin/riak 0755 riak riak 9041 51698 1361286795
1 e preserve riak/etc/app.config 0600 riak riak 14214 8625 1361286647

The last two lines, the important fields are:

  • i is an SVR4 metadata file, f or d denote whether it is a file or a directory, e are configuration files.

  • none means no special handling, preserve does just that, and the next field is the full path relative to reloc/

  • 0700 and 0755 are the file/directory permissions

  • riak riak are the user and group ownership

We will need to ensure at least the file entries are handled correctly.

reloc/ sub-directory

This directory contains the binaries etc. which make up the actual package. The contents of this directory would normally be installed under BASEDIR from the pkginfo file, so in Riak’s case:

: This..
$ ls reloc
$ ls reloc/riak
bin         erts-5.9.1  etc         lib         releases

: ..would result in this
$ ls /opt/riak
bin         erts-5.9.1  etc         lib         releases

This concludes the examination of the SVR4 package. Let’s turn it into a useful pkgsrc package.

Creating pkgsrc binary package

For more information on creating binary pkgsrc packages from scratch, see this post.

pkgsrc metadata

Create the necessary pkgsrc metadata files.

$ mkdir /var/tmp/pkgsrc-riak
$ cd /var/tmp/pkgsrc-riak

: Standard build-info section.  Change MACHINE_ARCH to x86_64 if you are
: using a base64 image.
$ cat >build-info <<EOF

: Generate comment file directly from the DESC field in pkginfo
$ awk -F= '/DESC/ {print $2}' < /var/tmp/BASHOriak/pkginfo >comment

: Generate PLIST directly from pkgmap
$ awk '$2 ~ /[ef]/ {print $4}' < /var/tmp/BASHOriak/pkgmap >plist

: For now just re-use DESC for the description file, however it would normally
: be longer
$ cp comment descr

pkgsrc INSTALL script

To handle the Riak preinstall script, we will create a pkgsrc INSTALL script.

The existing script can be mostly used as-is, we just need to put the entire contents of preinstall inside a PRE-INSTALL case statement so that it is executed prior to installing the package:

: Start with the existing preinstall script
$ cp /var/tmp/BASHOriak/install/preinstall inst

: Alter the script to create the 'riak' user/group during PRE-INSTALL, and
: after install to chown everything to 'riak' (which 
$ vi inst


case ${STAGE} in
	# Existing preinstall script goes here, changing /opt references

If we recall from the pkgmap file, the entries there contained a user/group that each file should be owned by, and we can handle that in the INSTALL script too with a POST-INSTALL action:

	chown -R riak:riak ${PKG_PREFIX}/riak

pkgsrc files

First we simply copy everything from the reloc/ directory to a files/ directory we will use for pkgsrc:

$ mkdir files
$ rsync -a /var/tmp/BASHOriak/reloc/ files/
$ chown -R root:root files

Next we can use the pkgmap file to ensure that the file modes are set correctly with a quick and dirty script:

while read line
    set -- $line
    case "$3" in
        chmod $5 files/$4
done < /var/tmp/BASHOriak/pkgmap

Create the package

We should now have everything necessary to create a binary package, taking the version from the pkgmap file.

$ pkg_create -B build-info -c comment -d descr -f plist -I /opt/local -i inst -p files -U riak-1.3.0.tgz


If all went well then we should be able to install the package:

$ pkg_add riak-1.3.0.tgz

and we will find it under /opt/local/riak as expected. If we try to run the binary, we get:

$ /opt/local/riak/bin/riak
/opt/local/riak/bin/riak: line 30: whoami: not found
sudo doesn't appear to be installed and your EUID isn't riak

This nicely proves my earlier point about packages often not working unmodified on SmartOS, in this case because whoami is no longer provided. Thankfully this is an easy fix, and we can simply change whoami to id -un.

Making that change and trying again, but this time as the riak user:

$ su - riak
$ /opt/local/riak/bin/riak
!!!! WARNING: ulimit -n is 1024; 4096 is the recommended minimum.
Usage: riak {start|stop|restart|reboot|ping|console|attach|chkconfig|escript|version|getpid}
$ /opt/local/riak/bin/riak start
!!!! WARNING: ulimit -n is 1024; 4096 is the recommended minimum.
$ pgrep -fl riak
20628 /opt/local/riak/erts-5.9.1/bin/epmd -daemon
20650 /opt/local/riak/erts-5.9.1/bin/beam.smp -K true -A 64 -W w -- -root /opt/local/
20648 /opt/local/riak/erts-5.9.1/bin/run_erl -daemon /tmp//opt/local/riak/ /opt/local
20718 /opt/local/riak/lib/os_mon-2.2.9/priv/bin/cpu_sup
20716 /opt/local/riak/lib/os_mon-2.2.9/priv/bin/memsup

This seems to work about as well as one can hope, and concludes my basic example.

## Further work

I’ve covered the basics here, but there are additional things you could do to tidy up the conversion:

  • Fold the whoami fix back into the source file and re-generate the package.

  • Turn this into a real pkgsrc package, which would simplify some areas such as metadata and user creation.

  • Come up with a script to automate a lot of this work.

  • Turn the riak script into an SMF service.

Also note that Basho very helpfully already provide a native SmartOS package on their download page, so this example is somewhat pointless, however I hope it has still proven useful ;)

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