pkgsrc binary packages for Mac OSX


This page is obsolete. Please see where you will find the latest package sets and improved instructions.

Original Article

pkgsrc is a cross-platform packaging framework, designed to build a large number of third-party open source software packages on many different operating systems.

Joyent provide a regular bulk build of all packages on OSX, which you can easily download and install onto your systems. Included is the pkgin package manager which is designed to look and function very similar to apt-get.

Currently there are over 11,000 up-to-date binary packages available. The packages are built on OSX Snow Leopard (10.6) and linked against libraries from pkgsrc, so that they are generic enough to run on all modern versions of OSX.

The current release is pkgsrc-2014Q2.

Quick Start

If you have already installed a pkgsrc bootstrap, you should be able to upgrade to the latest release simply by updating the pkgin URL and upgrading all packages:

: Assuming an upgrade from 2014Q1..
$ sudo ed /usr/pkg/etc/pkgin/repositories.conf <<EOF
$ sudo pkgin -y update
$ sudo pkgin -y full-upgrade

Otherwise install a new bootstrap:

: Download and install the bootstrap containing pkgin and the packaging tools
$ curl | sudo tar -zxpf - -C /

: Packages are kept under /usr/pkg, add to $PATH
$ PATH=/usr/pkg/sbin:/usr/pkg/bin:$PATH

: Refresh the package repository to get the very latest packages
$ sudo pkgin -y update

: Find out what packages (and how many) are available
$ pkgin avail | wc -l

: Search for a particular package, for example 'tmux'
$ pkgin search tmux

: Install a package
$ sudo pkgin -y install tmux

: Upgrade all packages
$ sudo pkgin -y full-upgrade

Building From Source

pkgsrc is based on the FreeBSD ports system, so if you are used to that (or other similar forks such as OpenBSD ports) and want to build from source the procedure is very similar:

: Install the git package and fetch pkgsrc from the converted cvs->git repo
$ sudo pkgin -y install scmgit
$ git clone git://

: By default you will get pkgsrc trunk.  If you want the most recent stable
: branch, then switch to it first.
$ git checkout pkgsrc_2014Q2

: Change to the package directory and download/compile/install with one command.
$ cd pkgsrc/<category>/<package>
$ bmake install

Here are some common configuration settings you may wish to add to /usr/pkg/etc/mk.conf:

# Avoid root password prompt for package install/deinstall
SU_CMD=		sudo /bin/sh -c

# Re-use existing binary packages
DEPENDS_TARGET=	bin-install

# Build everything with -j8

# Ignore vulnerability and license checks

# Configure where to store distfiles, binary packages, and build areas
DISTDIR=	/work/distfiles
PACKAGES=	/work/packages
WRKOBJDIR=	/var/tmp/pkgsrc-build

If you want to change the build options for a particular package, first find out which options are available with show-options, and then set the particular option in /usr/pkg/etc/mk.conf before building:

$ cd pkgsrc/net/nmap

$ bmake show-options
Any of the following general options may be selected:
	inet6	 Enable support for IPv6.
	ndiff	 Enable tool to compare Nmap scans.
	zenmap	 Enable nmap GUI frontend.

These options are enabled by default:

These options are currently enabled:

You can select which build options to use by setting PKG_DEFAULT_OPTIONS
or PKG_OPTIONS.nmap.

$ vi /usr/pkg/etc/mk.conf
PKG_OPTIONS.nmap+=	ndiff

$ bmake install

Further Information

The pkgsrc guide is packed with information about the internals of pkgsrc, and is useful if you would like to dig deeper and start hacking.

There are also various pkgsrc-related posts on my blog which contain various hints and tricks, though you may want to skip the SmartOS-specific sections. I also post new branch builds and updates there.

We hang out on Freenode #pkgsrc, and our mailing lists are:

Get Involved

There are over 14,000 packages in pkgsrc, so there are quite a few which currently do not build on OSX. The most recent bulk build report is available here and shows which packages are failing along with their build logs.

Build fixes, package updates as well as new packages are very welcome:

  • If you have a small patch and prefer using GitHub, feel free to raise it as an issue against Joyent’s pkgsrc repository.

  • If you want to get involved in creating new packages, the pkgsrc-wip project is a great way to get started.

  • Otherwise, there is always the NetBSD GNATS database.



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